A couple of weeks ago I taught a workshop dedicated to Yoga and Summertime" /> A couple of weeks ago I taught a workshop dedicated to Yoga and Summertime" /> A couple of weeks ago I taught a workshop dedicated to Yoga and Summertime" /> A couple of weeks ago I taught a workshop dedicated to Yoga and Summertime"> 7 "ayurtips" for your Summer
7 "ayurtips" for your Summer 28-06-2013

A couple of weeks ago I taught a workshop dedicated to Yoga and Summertime. For those of you that couldn't be there, I wanted to share a little part of what we did. In this post you will find 7 tips to enjoy this Summer with body, mind and heart. All of them are based in the wisdom of Ayurveda, ancient science of health and wellbeing.


1. Practice yoga during the cooler times of the day: the best time to exercise is early in the morning. Start with a series of "Surya Namaskar" (Sun Salutations), they exercise the main joints and muscle groups, improve circulation and flexibility as well as replenish vitality all throughout. Pay special attention to the breath, making sure that is deep and gentle during the whole practice so its cooling effect helps to regulate your body temperature. Transition mindfully between poses, take advantage of the warmer months to go deeper in your asanas and continue coming to yoga classes!

2. Adapt your schedule to the cycles of the Sun: Nature's rhythms influence the wellbeing of the mind, the body and the soul. When we harmonize our daily routine with the Sun, the quality of life improves, we feel energetic and enjoy a radiant health. If you get up with the Sun, you will have more time for yoga and meditation.

3. Recharge your batteries with the 5 senses: good weather allows you to spend more time outdoors and enjoy Nature. The following activities will recharge your batteries...

  • Walk barefoot for 10 minutes everyday
  • Connect with the refreshing qualities of water
  • Surround yourself by environments where cooling colors, like ocean blues and refreshing greens, are dominant
  • ¬†Breath deeply the energy of plants
  • Contemplate the night sky, expanding your awareness into the Universe

4. Establish a healthy relationship with the Sun: sunbathing can be very healthy if you do it at the right time of the day. It is safe to sunbathe (without sunscreen lotions, preferably) for periods of twenty minutes. It prevents and helps with the healing process of many deseases. But you must make sure that you don't expose yourself to the fiery Sun between 11am and 5pm.  

5. Eat according to the Summer: favor fresh foods that are on season, foods that keep you hydrated, that don't rise the body temperature and that are easy to digest (leave the typical paella for special occasions...). Drink lots of water and home made juices.

6. Start a meditation routine and continue after the Summer: we can take advantage of the season to establish new routines. Start to meditate, a few minutes a day are enough to begin with and the benefits are countless.

7. Learn how to relax consciously and let go of stress: conscious relaxation is a great source of rest and regeneration. Practice it several times a day for 5 or 10 minutes and you will see how your life gets full fo peace. 


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