A cape made of stars 12-12-2014

VirgenDeGuadalupe D ecember 12th is the celebration of one of my favorite holidays: Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. What fascinates me today (and this is why I bring it to the blog) is her cape made of stars.

The legend tells that the most beautiful Virgin appeared on top of a magical hill. Dark skinned and surrounded by light, Guadalupe is a mix of the aztec goddess and the christian representation of the divine feminine. Since ancient times, mexican people have gone on pilgrimage to this place. First, to adore the mexican Tonantzin, goddess of death and mother of creation. Later, to worship the christian mother. Nowadays, more than five million people visit her every year. I was there as a very young woman and the experience left an imprint in my heart that I cherish dearly.

Guadalupe is enveloped by Sun light and stands on the Moon. Her blue cape represents different constellations that the sky showed the day of her appearance and the infinity of the Universe. Even the flowers on her tunic grow from the heavenly cape.

Contemplation of the dark sky at night is one of the best therapies that everyone has at an easy reach. It transports us to a higher plane of existence, eternal and out of time. It reminds us that earthy life has its roots in what is non material. All that flourishes here comes from the field of infinite potential, always in a state of constant expansion. Day or night, here on Earth, the Universe is always holding us.

A starry cape keeps you covered and protected, with the same quiet love that Guadalupe's eyes look at those that come close to her.


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