Amnesty 12·12·12 14-12-2012

I am writing this post on the magical night of 12·12·12. The following message came to me through a great woman and I found it important to share: "Today and tomorrow are a bridge time unprecedented in the history of the Earth. It is a time of Amnesty, coming from our center of higher intelligence for the dissolution, transformation and evolution of what hurts, what is heavy and what can't stay the way it is -these are old energetic codes bound to our past karma-." All this means that we can join a very potent current of liberation taking us to a new stage in our existence. We are very fortunate to be able to be part of it.

In this context, amnesty must be understood as the dissolution of our past conditionings and not of the past itself. Why should we erase it when it has taken us here? It is about letting go of the imprint that the past has left. The concept of liberation in yoga is called moksha. It is the fervent desire for freedom that our soul holds within. Freedom from the ties of karma, from old ways of thinking and acting that make us feel separated, small and non capable of creating a more beautiful world for all.

Until now it was quite normal to look at the "letting go" process as something very emotional and almost dramatic but it is not like that any more.¬†12·12·12 has brought with it a beautiful tide of energy that takes with it our physical burdens, restructures our mind and lightens the heart. During all my classes today I could feel a gentle and playful flow of Light making the practice easier (even in the most challenging poses).

It is a time to celebrate all the spiritual work that you have been doing and the huge steps that you are taking. Also a time to trust that the conscious choices that you take moment to moment are showing you a new way of living. Visualize yourself free, happy and full of love towards everything. Be infinitely magnificent, here and now, because the time is already here!

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