Earth Day

pril 22nd is Earth Day. The theme this year is
Trees for the Earth and the idea is to plant, plant and plant more because trees
- help fight the harming effects of climate change
- purify the air and support communities in all ways
- are sacred living beings, wise and magical teachers
- heal our soul and love us unconditionally
- they deserve it!!
This ecological movement started in the US in 1970. Nowadays it has become an initiative promoted by the United Nations and it has significant global impact.
In the next link you will find information about the organization and the theme for the 2016 events:
And in this one you will be able to read about Earth Day in Spanish, as well as connect with other people committed with the cause:
A way of supporting the movement is by living according to the 3 Rs: 
REDUCE · REUSE · RECYCLE. It is simple and it works!
Forget about the political candidates, the corruption or even about your personal problems.
The most important and crucial subject today is the environment and the protection of life on the planet.
om mother earth namaha