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XIt already smells like figs ripening in the tree, although today's post is not about figs but about blueberries. Here in Cantabria the gardens overflow with tomatoes, lettuces of fresh green colours, and many other delicious textures, shades and tastes.
Yesterday I visited the fields where my friend Fermín cultivates blueberries. Hidden among the rolling hills, away from big roads and from the coming and going of tourists. At first, when you get there, it might seem it is nothing special. But once you get out of the car and walk among the bushes, you start hearing the sweet messages from the Earth. I was only visiting and ended staying four hours. There was so much to receive‚Ķ not only in the form of the most delicious fruit! Magnificent abundance!! In this post I want to share with you three of those Summer gifts.
1. The Earth is infinitely generous. Often times we hold feelings of laking. It is a way of seeing the world that has been imposed to us. It doesn't belong to our Self, it is part of the limitations of the mind. You only have to get out of the city and out of consumerism to realize how Nature is always showering you with sensory experiences that nourish your body and soul. Breathe and open up to receive. Stop and observe the luminous reflections in every leaf, the softness of the petals or the eucalyptus song when the breeze blows through. The same way that yoga teaches to integrate the body and mind with your limitless and infinite soul. Your being and the soul of the Earth merge as one.
2. Abundance is a two way relationship. The Earth is willing to give you all that you need, but she needs to be treated with the purest love and respect. Moment by moment and day by day. Yesterday, while watching the people that work in the blueberry fields, I could feel how happy the plants were when the bad weeds were being removed, how happily the fruit was ripening when the snails (voracious little beings) were moved away and the joy of every branch when they were relieved from the weight of the fruit. It is the same with your yoga and your life, isn't it? The more you practice, the more that it offers you.
 3. The Laws of Nature lead your life, follow them. I don't like to talk about the crisis, but it is kind of a relief to see our occidental political and socio-economical madness falling apart. Nature showers us with harmony and peace. It is time to listen to the Earth, to bow to it and to reverently take care of her as well as she cares for us. It might sound as a bucolic ode to country living, but Haven't we gone too far with “progress”? So when you feel that there is not enough or that you are not sure of what path to follow, remember some of Nature's simple messages… generosity, abundance, trust.
Infinite gratitude to those who listen to the Earth and its heart, to those that are dedicating their lives to support Her.
(And thanks for reading and sharing!)
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti