Give hands to your heart 18-09-2015 images-3 O nce a month the Drops of Light bring to your inbox a link to a cutting-edge, interesting and relevant video. All of them have inspired me tremendously, they are food for thought so the intention is not that you like them but that they make you think and you can draw your own conclusions.

In September, the Thrive Movement takes center stage. It is "an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world […] Thriveoffers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future". Thrive was released in 2011 and been quite controversial. One of the reasons why I bring it to the Drops is because it encourages you to act, to give hands and a voice to your heart. It is not easy to watch because it displays how great part of the population is being manipulated, but on the other hand, it shows how the universe works and how you operate being an integrative part of it, how you have the power to thrive and return harmony and love to the way we live as a planetary community. The truth is that given the state of affairs. it is necessary that we cooperate actively for the planet and for all. This an evolutionary turning point, ACT!

Om krim kalikaye namaha

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