hola holidays!! 31-07-2015 images-1 M y holidays start tomorrow, yipeeeee! I can't wait! It has been a fascinating year and now the time to rest has come. No schedules, no obligations. Would you like to hear about what is going to happen with me during the month of August?

The first half of the month I will spend it in Denver visiting Vital, my friend Desi's studio, and immersing myself one hundred percent into being only a student. The idea is to take many Sridaiva classes and grow a lot in understanding and joy. I will also visit my friend Linda in the majestic Colorado mountains and, if it works out, stop by Boulder and check out what's cooking in its yoga cauldron.

The second half will be time for family and lifelong friends in my dearest Cantabrian land. The freshness of the greens, the strength of the sea, the gentleness of the rolling hills, always so feminine... My body, mind and heart get fluffy, soft and spongy when I am there. You can smell life there and when you breathe you fill up with prana, almost as if you were eating it with each inhalation. I delight soooo much in going for long walks, meeting people or rejoicing every second of the day in how the expression of Grace is so different from the one in the Balearics.

It seems that I will be "doing" a lot, but my attitude is carefree, open and full of peace. Above everything, it is sacred time for myself, to enjoy silence and Nature, allowing renewal to happen.

This is the last Drop of Light until September. My calendar for next year is ready and full of plans and opportunities for expansion and growth. I feel an immense gratitude towards all of you who have read the Drops week after week. You have received them with kindness. I hope they have brought you deeper understanding and love for life.

Wishing you the happiest month of August!! Mine is going to be amazing!!!


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