Jesus and Shiva, supreme yogins
[dropcap type="circle" color="#COLOR_CODE"background="#COLOR_CODE"]O n December 25th we celebrate the birth of our great teacher in the Christian world.  Jesus was messenger of Universal Love and spiritual guide that taught how to awaken to the Divine nature that we are and lead a life of spiritual devotion... Just like a yogin!
Yogananda said that Jesus and Krishna represented the same divine consciousness. "Jesus is revered in India [...] at the very least as a supreme yogi". Jesus even spent years in India, practicing with the ascetics and enlightened teachers. Interesting, isn't it? I will no go further into this fascinating subject today, but I will give you the link to the
Zunray Spark where I write about first teacher in yogic philosophy, Shiva, in his most dynamic aspect:
Shiva Nataraja, the extatic dance of evolution.
¡Happy Christmas! & "Be the Light"