Mirror, mirror 21-11-2014

mirror M irror, mirror” is an exercise from my book Una fiesta para el alma that will bring you closer to the recognition of embodiment as divine reflection of consciousness. Try it! I can assure you that you will discover incredible things…

Stand in front of a mirror, and watch yourself lovingly and with respect. Take a few deep breaths. Relax and look into your own eyes for a few seconds or a minute. If you keep breathing gently, looking at your eyes, you will connect with your deepest self.

Then go over you body. Your face, hands, shoulders, legs. Observe how many things they say about you, about your life experiences and memories. Gently breathe and relax. You are being very brave to look at the truth of your body. Love it as it is, all its beauty and all the imperfections as well. There might be some parts that you reject or don't like as much. Breathe through them with the feeling of transforming those negative thoughts.

Now send a message of recognition to all parts of your body. Observe how your love starts to expand, soaking into every cell, each organ, each tissue. Bathe yourself in the loving light of your soul.

Our body is naturally beautiful and all the time it is doing wonderful things without us realizing it: a smile, the movements of our hands, getting into kind of weird yoga postures are just a few simple examples. We must also consider the thousands of involuntary actions that it does, such as creating the necessary tissues to stay alive and healthy, digest food, maintaining the blood flow, or the heart beating in unison with the Earth's pulsation. It is amazing to live in it!!!

Note: if it is a challenge for you to do this exercise, I recommend you to breathe and to not force yourself. Try in a little time or maybe another day. Sometimes we look at our body and it shows us many things that we have lived and that still hurt us. If this is your case, breathe with the intention to accept what you see and let go of the heavy and painful feelings that might have risen. Often I look at myself and say “ Well little body, we will try tomorrow” as I look at myself affectionately.

*be LOVE*

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Wonderful... I wi'll try do this exercise, almost once a week. It promises very goog experience, surprisings feelings, knocklege of ourself, de deepest part of it, as well al de non accepted part of ourselfs. Thanks very much Zaira and team.


Excellent! Let me know how it goes! Can¬¥t wait to hear about your experiences! Thank you for your message, if you have further questions, know that I am only one email away. (Puedes escribirme en castellano, si quieres, yo soy española ;) ) Namaste Zaira

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