Cuando te registres, recibirás un mensaje semanal sobre el estilo de vida yóguico.
XR efresh your memory and recall when you used to play hide and seek as a child. One, two, three, four... one would count while the others run to hide in secret places. Although the winner was the last kid that remained hidden, it was super exciting to be found. Just recently I played hide and seek with a few little children and I loved to witness how the ones that were discovered laughed, jumped and where more excited than those who were not seen. Why do I tell you this?
In Tantric philosophy everything is part of an infinite and eternal field of Supreme Consciousness, although our limited mind and the senses stop us from seeing it this way. At every moment it reveals and conceals itself creating an everlasting dynamic pulsation. It is Supreme Bliss, latent, camouflaged under the experience of density in the world of matter. What is even better is that it hides for the pure pleasure to be found!
If you ask yourself questions like "who am I" or "what am I doing here" it is a sign that you are already playing with the truth. The practice of Yoga connects you with the power of what is concealed within you, invisible and not seen. It teaches the tools to discover the incredible treasures hiding inside of you. When you practice yoga asana, for example, often times the pose does not come out, but the certainty that it is there, veiled in some way, makes you keep trying time after time.
Today is the equinox and nature can officially wear its first greens. It also coincides with the New moon and a full Solar eclipse (Oh my!). The beginning of Springs comes to us veiled this year,  similarly you are the most incredible Light, always present and inviting you to play hide and seek with your Self. Pay attention and you will find it.