Radiant Living in detail 23-03-2015

Radiant Living is a super complete program touching all areas of life

It is structured in five lessons that progressively deepen into the layers of your reality:

Lesson 1

“Body, mind, soul. Your multidimensional life”  explains the ins and outs of existence, how you are a holistic being and what that means. It teaches you to recognize your natural constitution and how to harmonize with what you feel and need each moment.

Lesson 2

“Nutrition for the new age”  talks about nutrition and the digestive process. You learn how to eat for optimal energy and awesome functioning of your physical and metaphysical body.

Lesson 3

“Renewal” is centered in the easy (and powerful!) renewal and purification techniques that you can do at home. Not only for your physical body but also for your environment, mind and soul.

Lesson 4

“Emotional freedom” teaches what are emotions, how to listen to them and work with them correctly. Then you can create relationships that nurture yourself and the people that are part of your vital network.

Lesson 5

“The gates of perception and the sensory universe”  affirms your desire to celebrate and enjoy life. We are here to live at full color and that becomes a reality when you learn to operate with all your senses. Creating a pleasurable life is part of being sacred. This lesson teaches how to treat yourselves like queens and kings!


☀ Intensive weekend ☀ Personal consulting sessions ☀ Booklet “Radiant Living”

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