Radiant Woman is here! 03-06-2016 Radiant Woman T oday I write more excited than ever because I am introducing a program that it's been in my heart for many years and that I am teaching in Spain for the first time. ¡Radiant Woman is here and you just got the first news! When I was 20 I did something that determined many things that would happen later on. I had spent one year living in Mexico and when I came back to Madrid I felt completely out of place, lost among so much city grey after my days in a country that is all color and vibrancy. Other than going back to university, I immersed into myself in order to explore my "woman being" on the Earth and I signed up for a program on feminine archetypes that lasted the whole year. It was the first seed of what you are about to read. Radiant Woman is a weekend seminar based on the secret practices of the yoginis and it is structured in five lessons designed to awaken the divine feminine principle dwelling within you. A woman's life is a sacred adventure and today, more than ever, it is crucial that you include practices that promote physical and spiritual health. ¬†Each lesson in the program is packed with all the relevant stuff:

Session 1: The power of the divine feminine

What is it? · The presence of the Divine Mother · Kundalini Shakti and the receptacle of Light · Archetypes

Session 2: How does a woman practice yoga?

Adaptability · Cyclical changes of a woman · Feminine moons · Spiritual stages in the life of a woman

Session 3: Tools for transformation

The feminine and the Earth · Universal feminine principles · Conscious breathing · Meditation better than medication

Session 4: Spiritual  partnership

Three developments in love · Sensuality, intimacy and sacred sexuality · Transmutation of sexual energy · Caring for the yoni

Session 5: The role of women in the world

What direction are we heading? · Women's roles · Harmonious daily routine · Medicine woman

As well as theory, Radiant Woman includes yoga postures, conscious breathing meditation, visualization and sacred chants.

Let your authentic woman being flourish

[button color="#FFF" background="#FDA014" size="" src="http://zairalealyoga.com/en/radiant-woman/" target="_self"]Reserve your spot now!

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