Sabrina & Kerry 15-10-2012

I have had the honor to lead the most magical wedding celebration. With the blessings of the Divine, of the elements that make our material world, of their parents, family and friends, Sabrina and Kerry became the most beautiful newlyweds.  All through the ceremony it had been drizzling and just as they were about to kiss, the late afternoon sun came out. Triumphant rays through the drops of rain. They filled the spirits of all present people with many colours. 

Of all the places where this special event could have happened, Sabrina and Kerry chose our little island in the Mediterranean. It is the place where they are starting a new stage in their lives together. Land of olive trees, turquoise waters and golden light. Mallorca opens herself to us as a loving mother, offering her support and ground upon which Sabrina and Kerry are manifesting their joined dreams.

A wedding is a sacred union of eternal beings. Sabrina and Kerry are partners on the path of the spiritual heart. They are here for each other so both can live their deepest soul dreams. We were all fortunate to be present at such inspiring celebration of alliance and true love. When a woman and a man like Sabrina and Kerry get married, there is a cosmic bond happening in the Universe. The stars and the currents of eternity align to create the most beautiful union today and during the years to come.

May all beings be free to believe in love and in the sacred yoga of the hearts...

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