Shakti filled meditation 31-10-2014


T he month dedicated to Shakti ends with a reflexion about how her presence makes meditation experiences richer, more enjoyable, and something that we look forward to every day.

I was interviewed for a newspaper a few months ago and the journalist titled it “Meditation is not a mental blank wall”. This is what many people think about meditation and that erroneous idea can bring forth lots of suffering and battles with ourselves.

The philosophical current that sustains my teaching understands everything as a manifestation of the dynamic and creative principle of the universe. This includes any thought, emotion, vision or sensation that arises during meditation. Shakti, the divine feminine principle, speaks to us in the subtleties of what we feel in any given moment.

Meditation is full of Shakti when…

  • We sit comfortable, no need to force ourselves into a rigid position. Sitting on a chair is also meditation. The only requisite is that your body is loose with the spine vertical, in a position that gives freedom to the breath.
  • We stay fully open to what each meditation has to offer. Not two meditations are alike, each one is unique and once-in-a-lifetime. To meditate means "to be" and¬†creativity flows limitless in that state of awareness.
  • We remain centered in the energy and we allow it to guide us. Its pulsation will be felt more in one place or another, depending on where it needs to flow. Let it carry you along.
  • With reverence towards the breath, we observe how it expands and softens the edges of our body-mind.
  • Our attitude towards the mind is kind and compassionate, knowing that it is a small part of the totality of what we are.
Shakti is the most loving and powerful maternal energy. She dissolves duality, pushes us towards inner growth and fills our lives with delight. Reverence to it, also while we meditate!

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