Similarities and differences of two star programs 18-11-2016 20161118-similitudes-diferencias   T hese two star programs that I love have similar names, are deeply related and they are also different in many ways. Because a few people have asked me about the differences between Radiant Living and Radiant Woman, today I bring some clarifying light into the subject. ¬†
Basic lifestyle program based on Ayurveda and Yoga.  For everyone, all kinds of people, ages and conditions.   It doesn't require previous knowledge of Yoga or Ayurveda.   It's essence is the awakening of conscious living.¬†   Perfect for you, if you wish to give your life a healthy turn and learn how to do it simply and effectively.     5 lessons:
  • Your multidimensional life: body-mind-soul.
  • Nutrition in these new times.
  • Renovation, rejuvenation and cleansing.
  • Emotional freedom.
  • The sensory world.
  With exercises to practice at home and "step by step" explanations that will help you to implement what you learned after the workshop.   More info at¬†Radiant¬†Living.   Coming soon to... Palma, 16, 17, 18 december. Info: Zunray 971723183    
Specialized program¬†about wholesome femininity based on Ayurveda and Yoga.   Only for women, all ages and conditions. (Although very interesting for me as well).   It is recommended that you have previously participated in Radiant Living, but it is not indispensable.   Its essence is the awakening of the tantric woman.   Perfect for you if you wish to deepen into your womaness and learn how to use your feminine power for healing and transformation.   5 lessons:
  • Divine feminine power and archetypes within.
  • How does a woman practice yoga?
  • Tools for transformation.
  • Spiritual partnership.
  • The role of women in the world.
  With exercises to practice at home and "step by step" explanations that will help you to implement what you learned after the workshop.     More info at¬†Radiant¬†Woman.   Coming soon to‚Ķ Madrid, 3-4 december.¬† Info: Angels 636467920 Palma, 28-29 january.¬† Info: Zunray 971723183
  Write me¬†if you have any questions. I will love to communicate with you!

Om Shanti

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