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XD o you know why yogins always show a half smile in their faces, as if they didn't have any problems" /> D o you know why yogins always show a half smile in their faces, as if they didn't have any problems" /> D o you know why yogins always show a half smile in their faces, as if they didn't have any problems" /> D o you know why yogins always show a half smile in their faces, as if they didn't have any problems">
D o you know why yogins always show a half smile in their faces, as if they didn't have any problems? This post suggests 3 ways to cultivate their peaceful surrender and fulfilling living through the practice of Ishvara Pranidhana, offering to the Divine.
Life happens within the field of Universal Consciousness, which is infinitely loving, always sustaining life, it holds us and supports us all the time. But, who can buy into this when there are so many ugly things in the world??
An attitude of surrender is not the same as being passive or conformist. It grows from an authentic collaboration with your spiritual dimension. You act from the idea of “what does the Universe want to do through me today?” rather than from the “What is in it for me?” Yoga reminds you how you don't do your life alone. When you open up to this, you can flow calmly through the currents of your own evolution.
 There is a reason for everything and order in the cosmos. Ishvara pranidhana is the first step to understand its mysteries and allow the fulfillment of your great life's plan.
S abes por qué los yogins siempre andan con una media sonrisa en la cara, como si no tuvieran problemas? Este post te propone 3 maneras de cultivar esa paz y plenitud vital a través de la práctica de Ishvara Pranidhana, la rendición a lo divino.
¬†Nuestra vida sucede dentro del campo universal de Consciencia que es infinitamente amorosa, que sustenta la vida, nos sostiene y nos apoya en todo momento. Pero, y esto ¿quién se lo cree cuando hay tantas cosas feas sucediendo en el mundo?
Una actitud de entrega no es lo mismo que el conformismo o la pasividad, ¬†sino que surge de una colaboración auténtica con tu dimensión espiritual. Te mueves desde el ‚Äú¿qué es lo que el Universo necesita hacer a través de mí?‚Äù más que desde el ‚Äú¿qué es lo que yo quiero?‚Äù El yoga nos recuerda que la vida no la haces tú solo y que cuando te abres a ello, puedes fluir tranquilo por las corrientes de tu propia evolución.
Todo tiene un porqué y un orden en el cosmos. Ishvara Pranidhana es el primer paso para comprender sus misterios y dejar que se cumpla tu gran plan de vida.
Gracias!!! Om shanti estrellita:-)