the key to the path of consciousness 07-10-2016 images T here are no shortcuts in yoga, but there is something that ensures the success of everything else. Without it, it is very difficult, or even impossible, to move forward. Are you curious to know what it is? I am talking about "Ahimsa", the absence of violence. I like to explain it as the desire to protect and enhance life in all its forms. Although some days you will not have time to go to class or meditate, you can practice "ahimsa" and you will know that you have lived a luminous day. It is quite significant, the access key to a path of consciousness, the password that opens the first gate, the first step, the #1 chapter. Long time practitioners also must go through this threshold in order for their practice to work. You can read more about it in this month's Zunray Spark. Enjoy it and create peace.


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