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XI am writing this post on "Book Day" in Spain. The reason for the dedication is that my dad was many things but over all he was a writer. He taught me how to love the art of story telling, the fantasy world that lies in people's hearts and books, of course!
However, this blog is about yoga and today I want to tell you that the study of sacred texts is a fundamental part of every yogi's life. Svadhyaya is the study of the Self as it is recorded in written language. The classics of Yoga were revealed, channeled or "heard" by the rishis, but they were also experienced and tested over and over throughout thousands of years. The ones that had a book that could guide them in their inner evolution, were holding a treasure in their hands. One good book was enough for a lifetime and its company could enlighten many parts of the journey.
Nowadays books are business. Almost exclusively what is going to sell gets to be published and not what is going to make you greater. You can even find literary pieces next to the tomatoes or the artichokes in the supermarket! The positive side to all this is that among the most commercial you might also find the valuable wisdom of the masters. We are very fortunate in the current yoga world. Many texts that were a privilege of a handful of people are now translated to many current languages. It might be that we have read many sacred books but Have we really deepen into their wisdom? What kind of relationship have we stablished with them? When we open a book we create a deep communication with the author and with the transmission of wisdom. What flows towards you in a spiritual book creates an avenue to the Divine within yourself. Svadhyaya invites you to reflect and to listen to the sacred voice of the soul. 
 My dad disappeared from my life when I was still a girl but I keep his passion towards literature and mysticism in my heart. Infinite gratitude to him, to all writers, to all teachers, and to the ones that keep expanding my Self with printed words.
Svadhyaya ishtadevata samprayogah. Yoga Sutra II.44 
"If you engage in regular study, then you come to be with the Angel of your deepest dreams". (Interpretation by Geshe Michael Roach)
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