Vacation time!! 29-07-2016 Unknown-1 T he time has come for me to get lost, out of the routine and completely disconnected. For the whole month of August I will be away from Mallorca and zairalealyoga, but before putting up the "Closed for Holiday" sign I need to know something and only you have the answers:    

What is missing or what would you get rid of in zairalealyoga?

What themes would you like to see reflected in the Drops of Light?

What programs or seminars would you like me to teach?

I am awaiting for your answers!! And I will see you in September, on Fridays in your mailbox as always. Thank YOU, from my heart, for being here this whole year. Your presence is incredibly valuable to me. I hope that you too can unplug from the routine, do something different and take a break for some weeks.

"Rest, relax and let go" is going to be my motto, would you join it?

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