What's new? 18-03-2016 H appy Spring!! There is so much sprouting here that today's Drop of Light shares the news. Everything is so appealing that you can't not know about it!

It starts on April 12th.

At Zunray we are committed to offering the best in teaching quality.

10 weeks to improve your skills and jump up to a higher level of professionalism.

Methodology that can be applied to all styles.

Personal coaching in a small group setting with the intention that each teacher improves his/her own technique.

ZAIRALEALYOGA en madrid Read more ‚ûî

Three weekends. In Spanish only.

April 16, 17

April 30 , may 1

June 11, 12

As part of the Om Shree Om yoga teachers program directed by dearest soul friend Christine McArdle. The events will happen in madyoga, right in the middle of my birth town.

The first two weekends are dedicated to the methodology of yoga teaching and the goal is that every class taught can be a unique and super enriching experience.

The last one offers the body-mind-soul health program RADIANT LIVING

Contact: Angels Anguera - angelsanguera@gmail.com - 636467920

RADIANT LIVING in palma de mallorca Read more ‚ûî

June 24 – 26

There are only 12 spots available, reserve yours now at Zunray or directly with me.

“I go over my notes from Radiant Living a lot because the program is very complete and a great guide for life. Step by step I integrate different components. My first priorities were to balance my sleep patterns and to find time for myself, then the regular yoga practice and next will be meditating daily. Do not stop teaching it!" - Laura

RADIANT WOMAL in palma de mallorca Coming Soon

July 22 - 24

New program! You are the first one to receive the news. It is not officially public yet, but you can reserve your spot at Zunray or directly with me.

Learn the yogini's secret practices and awaken the power of the authentic divine feminine.


1. The power of the divine feminine: the presence of the Divine Mother · Kundalini Shakti and the sacred vessel · Arquetipes

2. How does a woman practice yoga? Adaptability · Spiritual stages in a woman's life · Women's cyclic shifts · Feminine moons

3. Tools for transformation: the feminine and the Earth · Nature · Universal feminine roles · Conscious breathing · Meditation better than medication

4. Partnership: Spiritual partnership · three developments for love · sacred sexuality · transmutation of sexual energy · caring for the yoni

5. The role of women in the world: Where are we heading towards? · Women's roles · Harmonic daily routine · Medicine woman


Registration is already open. You can now sign up to the 2016/2017 program!

Just get in touch with Zunray.

We start on September 20th. Can't wait!!

"My Yoga Teacher Training not only gave me a good introduction to teaching yoga, but more importantly, a whole new confidence in my body.  Although I was at first a bit concerned about being able to keep up at the age of 55, I very quickly learned that I could push my body to new limits simply by following the precise instructions regarding proper body alignment.  It was also wonderful to learn more about yogic philosophy and to discover that it is the root for so many things we have given other names to in this modern day and age.  Both physically and spiritually, I have learned things that I will be able to use for the rest of my life.“–Linda

And, of course, you will continue seeing me at Zunray, teaching my regular classes which I absolutely love to do.¬†Check the schedule here.  

Wow... Shantiiii

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