Which is your favorite god-goddess? 08-07-2016 b8d70650f11ac49f2865ab0191764d04 A lthough many of us feel a special attraction towards mythological characters, deities and heroes from diverse traditions, yoga takes this feeling a little further and tells you that you can have your own special relationship with a super hero-heroine! Gods and goddesses are anthropomorphic representations of the  highest qualities of human awareness. They are used in Tantra yoga as a tool for inner evolution and reverence to them is a very important part of the practice. This week's Spark teaches you a simple method to recognize your own Ishta Devata, your chosen deity. Do the exercise and, once you know who She/He is, start to build a personal relationship with the deity by means of:
  • inner dialog
  • a murti or external form (image or statue)
  • a yantra asociated to the deity
  • mantra repetition meditation
  • offerings of incense, flowers, the light of a candle
  If you would like to initiate this kind of powerful practice, get in touch with me and we can set an appointment for an in-presence or a skype consultation.

Om Shanti

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